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Welcome to the Princeton Recovery Circle!

Most people who come to our meetings find A.A. literature to be an invaluable resource. Some books (like the Big Book, Living Sober, and the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions) and many pamphlets are available for free in PDF format (and at a low cost for other formats) on the A.A. website.

If you are a newcomer to our meeting, we would like to send you a print book for free! Simply send an email to our Literature Coordinator at Be sure to include your full mailing address (including country if outside the USA) and indicate which book you would like. If you do not choose a book, we will pick one for you. We currently have the following books available.

  1. Big Book (Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th edition)
  2. Pocket Big Book (the first 164 pages of the Big Book)
  3. Living Sober
  4. Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions

And most importantly, keep coming back! We are glad you are here.